the Avengers
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{{ }} Quantity: {{ item.quantity }}
€ {{ formatPrice(item.original_line_price) }}€ {{ formatPrice(item.product.promotionPrice * item.quantity) }} € {{ formatPrice(item.line_price) }} - +{{ cart.items.length - 5 }} items more
Subtotal: € {{ formatPrice(cart.subtotal) }}
Shipping costs: € {{ formatPrice(shippingCost) }}
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PayPal costs:
Payment costs:
€ {{ formatPrice(paymentCost) }}
Promotion discount: - € {{ formatPrice(cart.promotion_extra_discount + cart.offer_discount) }}
Discount ({{ cart.promotion_code.promotion }}): - € {{ formatPrice(cart.promotion_code_discount) }}
OST coins:
- {{ cart.redeemed_points }}
Total: € {{ formatPrice(cart.total_price - cart.promotion_discount) }}
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