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Boek Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force (Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)

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While exploring the jungle outside the academy, the twins make a startling discovery—the remains of a TIE fighter that had crashed years ago during the battle against the first Death Star. Mechanical whiz Jaina thinks she can repair it…if they can sneak the right parts from the academy.

Meanwhile, their work is being closely watched—but not by academy eyes. The original pilot, an Imperial trooper, has been living wild in the jungle since his ship went down. Waiting to return to duty. And now his chance has come...

While exploring the jungle outside the academy, the twins make a startling discovery—the remains of a TIE fighter that had crashed years ago during the battle against the first Death Star. Mechanical whiz Jaina thinks she can repair it…if they can sneak the right parts from the academy.

Meanwhile, their work is being closely watched—but not by academy eyes. The original pilot, an Imperial trooper, has been living wild in the jungle since his ship went down. Waiting to return to duty. And now his chance has come...

Dit boek is geschreven door Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta in 1995.

Het ISBN nummer is 0-425-16949-9.

Het is in het Engels geschreven en heeft 232 pagina's

Language EN
Franchise Star Wars
Merk Berkley Books
Serie Expanded Universe
Jaar van uitgave 1995